Hydromaz Water Treatment

Gold Award Winner of International Inventer, it applying pure physics technology to recondition water quality to treat water system: USE WATER TO TREAT WATER SYSTEM

  • Our system generates low-voltage and high-frequency wave, remove electric bond in the macro water molecule. Thus, the ions of active oxygen are separating from the ions of hydrogen, in the water. The active oxygen ions are released and the active hydrogen ions are settled under water for a relatively long period of time. As a result, the oxidation potential of the water is continuously be lowering and the original macro-molecule water body is changed into micro-molecule water Micro-molecule water has very strong ability on penetrate, dissolve and cleaning characteristic. It continue penetrate to all part of water system, dissolve the long accumulated scales, slime, rust in the pipe lines. The dissolve scales, rust and slime are then follows the water flows, which will be attracted and stick on to our electrode.
  • Through continuous process of Scale Dissolution and Scale Attraction, Hydromaz reduce hardness of the water body and remove foreign bodies such as scale depositrustfungus and algae inside the pipe.
  • In this way, the effect of “treating water by the water itself” is performed.


  • Improve cooling effect from 5% to 50%
  • Improve heat exchanger efficiency up to 50%
  • Extended and longer equipment lifespan
  • Cost Saving on chemical adding
  • Cost saving on annual flushing and process downtime
  • Cost saving on down time for equipment due to tripping on water pressure limit
  • Environmental friendly

Comparison of Hydromaz with Conventional Chemical Water Treatment

Hydromaz Chemical Treatment
Only technology to reduce total hardness (TDS) in water Cannot reduce TDS in water, have to flush and change water if TDS exceed limit
Permanent Solution – No Rust, No Scales after installation Pipe line will be accumulated with scales again soon after chemical adding, need regular monitor of dosage level
Prevention of corrosion by removing rust and scales Chemical is corrosive, will cause metal pipe line corrosion and shorthand pipe and equipment lifespan
Don’t require water change often Water change is requiring very often (for high usage system, every 1-2 weeks). Once TDS high, need to change water
Eliminate bacteria and prevent algae growth Cannot stop algae effectively, need to clean the system often
Contribute to electricity saving by 5% to 10% or more, depending on existing scales condition Cannot control water quality, need to add additional capacity when effectiveness of heat exchanger cannot achieve, causing much higher electricity cost
Effective reduce equipment down time due to consistence water pressure and water temperatures by removing hard scales from pipe Right amount of chemical just to prevent new scales building but do not eliminate hard scales at pipe. Old equipment often tripping despite regular chemical adding
Environmental friendly. Does not harm environment when discharge the water Water contains high level of chemical, will effect to environment when discharge to drain

Model Selection

Model No. Size / mm Weight Electrode Suitable water capacity / HRT, Hour Refrigeration Tons, (=12000 BTU per hour)
SS 10 200x450x500 25 KG 1 x D1 < 50 HRT
SS 20-1 665x460x380 50 KG 1 x D2 < 150 HRT
SS 20-2 965x460x3800 75 KG 2 x D2 < 300 HRT
SS 50-3 1315x530x450 105 KG 3 x D2 < 450 HRT
SS 150-4 1680x530x450 175 KG 4 x D2 < 600 HRT
OTHER Multiple of any model above As per customer